Wednesday, April 30, 2008

3 year olds boys say the darndest things...

'course so do 30 year boys...

for example, my hubby was getting really really irritated with in the car (not last weekend, but the weekend before) because he kept getting out of his booster seat & seatbelt - while driving. finally, i think hubby finally snapped and yelled "you better sit down before i bust you in your a$$!" (which we really do not curse around the kids - when they are asleep we are total sailors, but it is a very big no-no around the kiddos who hang onto those words like pocket-pieces), anyways, yelled in response "no..uh uh..bust you a$$!" (with arm flailing & finger pointing and all). i was able to hide my laughter & told hubby he deserved it for cursing.

follow up:

tonight after we picked up mcd's (crabby patties & fri-fries - health nuts that we are), blurts out "bust you a$$" to hubby, for no apparent reason.

funny how it took 6 months to learn "mom" and "dad", but man, give him a great phrase like that & it sticks like glue - especially glue a 3 year old has gotten into.

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