Monday, May 19, 2008

stds to cuddle...

what better way to tell your loved one (or ex-loved) that you have passed them some super-fun love-bug (read: sphyllis) than with a plush microbe toy!! now you can snuggle up (in more than one way!) with your fave disease!

i am also lovin the yoda backpack - would love it!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

one reason i don't love okiehoma

i just love the sound of sirens...yea right!

yes,'am is deathly afraid of tornados...she gets very freaked out (I do too but i have to retain the "mom face of calmness").

just a couple weeks ago we were literally right next to a possible tornado, it was pretty scary since the hail was very big & hurt (I had to carry across the parking lot at the mall because we had to pick'am up at gymnastics, so imagine struggling to carry a 30+lb kid who just goes limp when i am carrying him 'cause he wants to walk, while trying to shield his head & taking blows from the darn hail size of quarters! - it was not fun...)

plus, this is the best part, the tornado sirens are going off so i go into the gym to get'am and the front desk people, coaches, gymnsts, everyone are completely oblivious to the sirens because they cant hear them over the energy-music they have blaring! they are still like tumbling & doing bars & i just get this sense that they will do gymnastics til it kills 'em (the way these crazies act, it is scary - like steroid crazy! there are kids who are like 13 and look 7 with freakish "muscle & fitness" bodies eating protien bars as snacks! and crying when their parents yell at them to do better, etc. or this one girl who had on a cast on her wrist whose mom was telling her to do aerials, which are the one-handed cartwheels)...i truly think they would die happy that way - swept up into the sky doing the splitz.

anyways, sorry if that was a little long, but those gymnastics people make me laugh sometimes (embarrassingly out loud too), because i think they forget that these are just kids...and its supposed to be fun i thought. but maybe i am wrong because everyone else seems to be fine with coaches yelling at their 5 year olds til they cry, but i am so not cool with that, so maybe gymanstics wont work out as a life-long sport with our family - or maybe just not at this place where the motto should be "Gymnastics til it kills you...or til the foot smell does" - Im not sure which is worse.

so those are my thoughts on this gymnastics place...more than you needed to know, i know. but the tornado thing reminded me of all that stuff.'am will be taking the summer off to enjoy real life, which i am sure the gymnastics-people will have a fit hearing, but oh will be nice to be away from the smell of 1,000 sweaty feet for a few months...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

girl things...

ms. ma'am asked if she could have her own email address, since her bf has her own. so we created one tonight right before gymnastics.

on the way home from gym in the car:

ms: i cant wait to email bf
me: ya, i'll bet
ms: i am going to email a very long email. all about girl bras
me: bras!?
ms: ya, i'll tell her i want a bra & only she will know from my email
me: unless she tells everyone
ms: ya, she'll be all like "'am wants a bra!"

...thoughtful pause...

ms: okay, i can't tell her that...but it will be a long email

so, later hubby comes in to tell her it is time for dinner and sees that she has indeed typed a long email. one word per line.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

a is for apple, o is for olt

so today i got's breakfast together - he wanted apples & eggs (hard-boiled) -and went to take a quick shower. by the time i got out, the remaining apple on the counter (the half i was going to eat) was a little browned (like all apples get eventually, only this was much quicker than the granny smith's we usually get). was playing with his thomas table by now.

me: did you eat your apples?
man: no
me: why not?
man: olt - olt apples
me: the apples are old?
man: yesh - olt apples

so, the apples officially went old. in less than 20 minutes & thus are no longer edible. so i get to make a new breakfast. talk about service.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

iron man...

was okay after all...robert downey jr is still super cute, so it was a nice view at least.

Friday, May 2, 2008

what's up with the movies?

okay, so i can tell by's excited responses to the commercials lately that all the movies coming out within the next oh, month-2 months are boy movies.

i will get stuck going with hubby & to see iron man this weekend - which looks sucky. then, next weekend the crap-fest speed racer comes out (it looks like rollerball to me. what movie is that, you may ask? exactly), so i am sticking to my guns & vetoing speed racer.

what's up with this speed racer movie? i thought he was like a kid-racer? hubby said he is supposed to be like a young guy, blah-blah-defend-blah, but i cant help but think he was a kid & that was the whole premise, but then again, i was busy watching my little pony, sheera & jem, so maybe i missed that cartoon altoghether...but another thing is hello, how long is christina ricci going to try to play a early-to-mid-20 yo girl when she is clearly on the cusp of 30? dont get me wrong, she is totally cute - i just loved casper...

so, then there is indiana jones, which is excited about because he just loves the one where they have the monkey brains & the bugs - plus sam (from transformers) is in it, so it is automatically on his must-see list.'am also wants to see this one. so, it looks like we will make that a fam-film...hope ford is able to keep up to the old ones in his retirement age. if not, there is always cgi.

girly-movie: kit kittredge (american girl) - so far, the only girl movie that i see is coming out this summer.'am & i already are planning to go. she loves the american girl movies on dvd she has (samantha, molly, and felicity).

oh, wall-e looks promising. is totally into wall-e, he says it a lot & loves to look in his "toy review" magazine (which is hubby's but i let him look at it, because he should - it has toys in it for good-night sake!) which has pictures of wall-e. i am looking forward to wall-e too.

so, summer movies looks pretty "eh" to me. i used to crush on robert downey jr (pre-downfall) so i will be seeing iron man with the men this weekend.

so, here is what the american public will be seeing this summer in an attempt to keep from dying of boredome:

ironman (sounds like porn to me, one can only hope)

speed (racer), just say no

indiana jones & the retirement home mystery meat

wall-e (again, this looks actually cute, so do see it)

kit kittredge (for pre-teen girls)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

being a mom... like a box of kids! well - there is living with a dryer box smack dab in the middle of your kitchen for days because it is your children's "new room" where they need to eat & play & attempt to sneak into at bedtime - but it is a lot of fun to watch them re-built their broke-down room again & again because someone keeps knocking the walls down...

so, this is my general opinion of being a mom...and the photo i am entering into this contest!

mother's day gift ideas

some good mom's day ideas
(okay, okay, you got me - aka: things i love/want/need)

1. turn mom's fave fridge art into real art! i looove this idea & soo want one - picking one drawing is the hard part...(

2. custom photo/memory charm bracelet from wellsware. you can put little objects in the charms (think: sand, bits of blankie, lock of hair), so they are truly personalized tokens (

3. sterling silver locket bracelet, simple but classy. they have a bunch of lockets available to suit mom's taste (

4. love these mom's rings. personalize with the babe's names and the whole world can see how proud mom is! (

5. custom photo link bracelet, many styles available. sterling silver & emailing photos means getting the gift sooner! (

6. so funky & cute. love the tattoo-inspired birdie. the hubby would give 2 thumbs up for this sparrow. (

so, go out (or not - heck, shop while the kids are sleeping!) and get mom something she'll love to wear for mom's day!