Wednesday, May 14, 2008

one reason i don't love okiehoma

i just love the sound of sirens...yea right!

yes,'am is deathly afraid of tornados...she gets very freaked out (I do too but i have to retain the "mom face of calmness").

just a couple weeks ago we were literally right next to a possible tornado, it was pretty scary since the hail was very big & hurt (I had to carry across the parking lot at the mall because we had to pick'am up at gymnastics, so imagine struggling to carry a 30+lb kid who just goes limp when i am carrying him 'cause he wants to walk, while trying to shield his head & taking blows from the darn hail size of quarters! - it was not fun...)

plus, this is the best part, the tornado sirens are going off so i go into the gym to get'am and the front desk people, coaches, gymnsts, everyone are completely oblivious to the sirens because they cant hear them over the energy-music they have blaring! they are still like tumbling & doing bars & i just get this sense that they will do gymnastics til it kills 'em (the way these crazies act, it is scary - like steroid crazy! there are kids who are like 13 and look 7 with freakish "muscle & fitness" bodies eating protien bars as snacks! and crying when their parents yell at them to do better, etc. or this one girl who had on a cast on her wrist whose mom was telling her to do aerials, which are the one-handed cartwheels)...i truly think they would die happy that way - swept up into the sky doing the splitz.

anyways, sorry if that was a little long, but those gymnastics people make me laugh sometimes (embarrassingly out loud too), because i think they forget that these are just kids...and its supposed to be fun i thought. but maybe i am wrong because everyone else seems to be fine with coaches yelling at their 5 year olds til they cry, but i am so not cool with that, so maybe gymanstics wont work out as a life-long sport with our family - or maybe just not at this place where the motto should be "Gymnastics til it kills you...or til the foot smell does" - Im not sure which is worse.

so those are my thoughts on this gymnastics place...more than you needed to know, i know. but the tornado thing reminded me of all that stuff.'am will be taking the summer off to enjoy real life, which i am sure the gymnastics-people will have a fit hearing, but oh will be nice to be away from the smell of 1,000 sweaty feet for a few months...

1 comment:

Lacy Rose said...

our town just got tornado sirens. I HATE THEM.

Last week they went off because the fire chief saw what he thought was a funnel cloud. There wasnt any rain in site.

total dorks.