that i started potty-training. the real, hard-core, no-more-diapers potty-training. and i went to the waterpark today with my friend, kat & her kid. we were there for about an hour when decides to take a holy-crap in his cars swim trunks. i am talking disgusting. it smelled so bad. i didnt know what to do. he didnt have on a lil swimmers because i am too cheap to buy them (i so regret this poor choice is cutting-corners of our budget! we can live without food, i swear! but lil swimmers should have been a must-buy!). so it is officially time to go for us. luckily, none of the crap spilled out in the waterpark so no one found out what my kid did. (dont worry all the poop was maintained in the netting of his swim trunks)
i get him to the car & lay down the towel in the trunk of our suv & it is a mess. i try pulling the swim trunks off & it is like crap EVERYWHERE! he is crying because it is gross-feeling (and i am practically crying because it is gross overall!) and the crap is just like all down his legs...anyways, you get it, i know. i wont even tell you about the fact that he loves to eat popcorn seeds...
so, it is time for the undies. from the time i attempted to contain the crap & put him in the booster seat i told him "no more diapers" to which he cried "pwees dipuhs pweees!" halfway home before falling asleep.
at home, potty-training began & in less than an hour, he managed to:
* pee in the toliet (yay!)
* pee AT the toliet but with his undies still on, so a big puddle on the floor
* crap hiding behind the couch (another glorious crap to clean up!)
* pee in the kitchen standing on his little kid chair
* pee at the dinner table with all of us present to witness to sights & sounds (yes, sounds)
i could not figure out how he could have this much pee in him, until i caught him sneaking water from a hidden waterpark cup from earlier today.
several hours later he managed to have numerous false-alarms of poop (which resulted in a lot of farts) and/or pee, and only minutes after a "test-pee" he peed in his little tikes car. then an hour or so later, he did pee again in the potty with dad helping. (yay again)
he is asleep now, with a diaper, because i cannot possibly handle the pee in the middle of the night. i have to recover & have downtime sometime & that is the only time.
tomorrow will hopefully be better.
Storms Come and Go
7 years ago