Wednesday, April 30, 2008

james avery charms i want

"milagros love and joy charm"

okay, my hubby likes this charm - and since i do love all the heart charms, i have decided that i do want it. throw it on my x.mas wishlist!

"in my heart charm"

love, love, love this one! with the gold it's a little pricey, but love it! another x.mas wishlist add!

"true heart charm"

also a love, love! man, these are like pokemon!

3 year olds boys say the darndest things...

'course so do 30 year boys...

for example, my hubby was getting really really irritated with in the car (not last weekend, but the weekend before) because he kept getting out of his booster seat & seatbelt - while driving. finally, i think hubby finally snapped and yelled "you better sit down before i bust you in your a$$!" (which we really do not curse around the kids - when they are asleep we are total sailors, but it is a very big no-no around the kiddos who hang onto those words like pocket-pieces), anyways, yelled in response "no..uh uh..bust you a$$!" (with arm flailing & finger pointing and all). i was able to hide my laughter & told hubby he deserved it for cursing.

follow up:

tonight after we picked up mcd's (crabby patties & fri-fries - health nuts that we are), blurts out "bust you a$$" to hubby, for no apparent reason.

funny how it took 6 months to learn "mom" and "dad", but man, give him a great phrase like that & it sticks like glue - especially glue a 3 year old has gotten into.

i love, love, love james avery charms...

because they are high-quality, beautiful & texan! it's the tiffany's of charms, except now tiffany's carries a beautiful line of charms now too. i so likey.

ms. ma'am decided she would like to give her bf (best friend, not boyfriend - how white trash do you think we are?!) a charm bracelet with the best friends charm (2 halves of a heart) and a puppy (since she loves dogs) - so sweet. we picked it up today & of course the lovely staff (who know us well) did a beautiful job soldering the charms on, polishing it up & gift-wrapping it - so we are so done, easy-peasy.

i picked up my bracelet too (it was all cleaned up & looks nice!) and we also picked ms. ma'am out a new charm bracelet to put her half of the bf charm (her 1st bracelet is full, she got it for her 4th b-day), so that is also one of her b-day presents (the g.n.o. charm will look perfect on it!).

this is the current james avery charm bracelet i wear - my "mom/family" bracelet. i only wear it on weekends, there's no point getting all fancy to scrub the toliet!

these are my favorite charms all on one bracelet.

for fun...a dancing chihuahua

this is our chi, she likes to dance.

only in dreams...

i want a new purse! i know that i do this like every 3 months - tired of the bag i have - want a new

i am a total sucker for flowers and pink (just on purses and accessories, but so hardly ever on clothes - it's so not me! except this one skirt i had that was black knee-length with pink embroidered flowers that i had a few years back, when it fit that is, actually i still have it, it just doesn't fit...but it was/is a cute skirt - so not old-lady) and i love this new bag from coach - love. we are talking: i will carry this bag forever...


i've said that before?

well, this time i mean it. i really mean it. so what if it costs that much...right? yeah, right!

plus, i am so over my vera bag (i refuse to carry it)- i don't care if it is cute and pink with cool designs of flowers, i am sooo over the old ladies telling me how much they like it and worse yet, seeing the old ladies with the same bag...and my hubby doesn't let me live it down...i want a new bag - something that says i am still a 20-something dammit - not an old lady! i officially want, nay, need a new coach bag - my self-esteem and mental-health depend on it. plus, what will i carry all my mary poppins-necessities in (the vera stays in the closet!)? someone needs to put the lean on the hubby...

in case you are wondering, and you know you are, this is "the vera":

so cute, really it is a doll of a purse, but it's a grandma-grabber, i'm telling you. grandma's everywhere flock to me with this purse. i think you might even be able to fit a pair of knitting needles in it...needles you could use to stab me with if one more grandma asks me where i got it.

we love hannah montana

to appease your appetite with a snipit of shopping tonight, i am planning on buying ms. ma'am a new charm for her james avery charm bracelet for her upcoming b-day. the one i found is soo perfect i almost can't stand it! it's no secret that we love hannah montana, heck even mr. man sings along with nobody's perfect in the car when the hubster isnt driving, so it is no surprise that this year i will be proudly purchasing this beaut from james avery.

perfect right?!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

monster jam is cool

mr. man: "mom, mom"

mom: "yea?"

mr. man: "monster jam cool mom"

mom: "yes monster jam is cool"

mr. man: "yeshh"

this is an on-going conversation that seems to come up about every hour lately, the coolness of monster jam, this is all he wants to talk about. oh, that and robot spiders.

my blog

i am very, very new to this, but it looks like a fun way to spend my computer time instead of ebaying (which the hubby hates!) and blah-blah-blahing on myspace. i think i will post stuff about my kids & the hub and of course about me - mostly my wants since all day i hear what my three year old wants, and no one really hears what i want anymore.

i am a stay-at-home mom, aka: maid to sir monster-jam-is-cool, who loves to online shop - okay and store shop too, but shopping online means i dont have to worry about my kid throwing a tantrum because he wants yet another monster truck and refuses to leave the store period, which i will admit sometimes means we purchase said truck, which means we have spent yet more of my shopping money on toys that i have to clean up everyday, therefore keeping me employed and in-demand - talk about job security.

so, i am employed by 2 kids - 3 year old mentioned above and an 8-going-on-13 year old daughter who so desperately wants boobs. monster jam and boobs, nothing says white trash better than that. welcome to my world.