i want a new purse! i know that i do this like every 3 months - tired of the bag i have - want a new one....
i am a total sucker for flowers and pink (just on purses and accessories, but so hardly ever on clothes - it's so not me!
except this one skirt i had that was black knee-length with pink embroidered flowers that i had a few years back, when it fit that is,
actually i still have it, it just doesn't fit...but it was/is a cute skirt - so not old-lady) and i love this new bag from coach -
love. we are talking: i will carry this bag forever...

i've said that before?
well, this time i mean it. i really mean it. so what if it costs that much...right?
yeah, right!plus, i am so over my vera bag (i refuse to carry it)- i don't care if it is cute and pink with cool designs of flowers, i am
sooo over the old ladies telling me how much they like it and worse yet, seeing the old ladies with the same bag...and my hubby doesn't let me live it down...i want a new bag - something that says i am still a 20-something dammit -
not an old lady! i officially want, nay, need a new coach bag - my self-esteem and mental-health depend on it. plus, what will i carry all my mary poppins-necessities in (the vera stays in the closet!)? someone needs to put the lean on the hubby...
in case you are wondering, and you know you are, this is "the vera":

so cute, really it is a doll of a purse, but it's a grandma-grabber, i'm telling you. grandma's everywhere flock to me with this purse. i think you might even be able to fit a pair of knitting needles in it...needles you could use to stab me with if one more grandma asks me where i got it.